Ginger: (my next door neighbor) LORIE, the big bird is back.
Lorie: WHERE
Ginger: In my front yard heading into yours. Come outside quick and leave Daisy inside.
Lorie: OK! BYE!!!
So, out the front door Jamie, Alex, and I ran to find the BIG bird coming into our yard. We scared it, so it headed back to Ginger's yard. Slowly, we opened the back gate to our yard hoping to "capture" it. About that time, Kynn pulls in the driveway.
Lorie: KYNN HURRY!!! The big bird is back.
Lorie: In Ginger's yard and we want to guide it into our backyard. Stand right there so he can't get by you.
We all positioned ourselves around this big bird and guided him into the backyard!
GOT HIM!!! Gate closed!
Kynn: I'll call animal control.
Lorie: OK
Ginger: I'm going to get my camera!
Daisy: Barking on the inside of the house!!!
Daisy: Barking on the inside of the house!!!

Way to go!
Oh my word!!! I cannot believe how big that thing was :) Wow...wish I were there to see that serious excitement!!
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