She was affectionately known as Grandmomma. My boys loved her madly, and she was crazy about them too. Each summer when our guys were little, we would take them to Alabama and leave them for three weeks. They were loved with a love that only a grandmother can give. We have been told that if one of the guys wanted McDonald's, and one wanted pizza, and one wanted Burger King, well then, they all got what they wanted. They would get in the car and make the rounds. Wal-mart was an every day event. Yes, I mean, an every day event. Baths were not a requirement, and I don't think their hair got washed. Riding a tractor with granddaddy, playing with the water hose, riding the go cart, and swimming at cousin Stan's house were daily activities.
I can remember when we would go visit in Alabama, she would hug Kynn over and over. She would hold his hand, and just want to talk with him. I loved that about her. She still loved "her" baby and wanted to hear all the details about his life. I wanted Kynn to also have a relationship with her and care about her life. In her later years, he tenderly cared for his mom and was a great son.
As a mother-in-law, she accepted me into the Harris family and she would hug me too. :) She was so easy to talk with and I adored her laugh. She was the BEST cook in the world and I always gained weight when we visited. I just could not help myself. I loved her.
So, today we say Happy Birthday Grandmomma. We miss you!
If I ever have a daughter-in-law I hope she will love me just the way you loved Mrs. Harris.
You made me smile.
Hey Lorie, I had some 'down' time at work and I had you on my mind and just checked your site to see how life is treating you! You have been so blessed it is great that you share your blessed life with others. I love the extra bible verses and moments for the boys. I know that God has a special plan for your family and he is smiling down upon you and Kynn for the fine job you did at teaching them and showing them God's love. Your reward will be seen in Heaven. May he continue to guide you all in all your ways. Take care...I love you...Janine
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