Our Newlywed Sunday School Class Covered Dish after worship. Good food, Great fellowship.

Had all 3 of my grown boys home for a meal. It is a sweet spot for me. :)

Dad arrived and joined right in.

Sunday night I cooked breakfast for supper for Jamie,
Nic, Eric, and Jennifer.

And, Aunt Beckie and
Grandmomma came for the day on Sat. We shopped til we dropped.
Kynn cooked once again. Chicken for the meal at church.

As you probably know, these pictures are not in order. Oh well. :)
1 comment:
Great Pictures! I'm sending my Husband to your house, maybe he can get some pointers from your Husband on cooking:) Love the picture of all your boys together I know you were glad to have them home. Hope you have a great week, thanks for all the prayers while we were sick.
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