One of my goals for 2011 is to "purge" my house. I have come to realize that we have way to much "stuff" around here. I have decided that I would like to make life as easy as possible when it comes to being around the house and get rid of the stuff that we do not use or want. This has been a long time in the coming. For example, my front hall closet was so full that I did not know what was living in there. It was so
convenient to just open the closet and put things behind that door, especially if I didn't have a particular place for that item. I threw out two, yes, two trash bags of unneeded stuff.
In 2003,
Kynn's parents moved in with us for a short while and then moved to an assistant living
facility here in Columbia. This was an unplanned event and happened quickly. We went for a visit and realized that they were no longer able to live alone.
Kynn's dad had cancer and his mom was battling
Alzheimer's. We boxed all their belongings that we could and packed our van to the ceiling only leaving space for the four of us to sit. Floor to car ceiling, every space was filled.
When we arrived in Columbia, life was in full swing with 3 children and we were learning to live with two more people in our home. We set up our extra room for his parents and put their extrathings in any available space we could find. As I cleaned out our front closet the other day, I started going through a box and discovered the below treasures. I was thrilled beyond words. You will see why when you look at the pictures. This was one of the boxes that had been packed up and placed in the bottom of the closet.

Baby Kynn

Kynn and Baby Herb (and baby ducks.....little

This was a family photo taken at a cousin's wedding. These sweet boys were the ring bearers.
Kynn fell asleep waiting on his dad to come home from work. (His mom has comments on the back of each of these pictures.)

Reading with Dad

Giving his puppies a ride in his police car.

He was a model in a style show. That is so funny to me. HA (
Kynn says, "I was
LOOKIN" Good!)
Kynn made swings for his puppies out of his dad's handkerchiefs.

More puppies. They always had puppies and
Kynn loved them.

School picture. (I see a whole lot of Jamie in this picture) :)

I have heard a lot about their pony, but had never seen a picture of it. I love this picture.

The pony's name was Trigger.
Kynn said that they would hold a bottle of Coke up to his mouth and he would suck it down. "He liked Coca Cola!"

This dog was named Frisky. Betsy was the cow.
Kynn said his mom and dad hated that cow. She would stick her foot in the milk bucket.
Kynn's mom kick Betsy one day for ruining the milk and turned the front of her foot blue.

Christmas morning. A new
BB pistol. He was just posing for the picture, not really shooting at his brother. (Do you remember the silver Christmas trees with the rotating color wheels?)

Baseball Team: The Tigers
Kynn's mom sewed tiger emblems on each jersey. She must have been "Team Mom"
This was Kynn's next dog. His name was King. He just told me , "Frisky had gotten run over and King wasn't long for this life either." One had to be tough to live on a farm. What a childhood. Awesome memories. I love hearing about all of them.