NOW!!! Today was moving day for Alex. His stay with our family came to a close today. He completed his first semester with our family and made the family "switch" tonight. He will remain in Columbia for the rest of the school year and will then return home to his family. He packed up all his belongings right after school today.
We have learned that a teenager is a teenager, in any country! What a mess, but he needed to go through all his belongings to get them organized. You would have been impressed with his organized packing when all was said and done. :)
enjoyed getting to know Alex over the Christmas holidays.
To Alex,
Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you. declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Porque sou eu que conheco os planos que tenho para voces', diz o SENHOR, planos de faze-los prosperar e nao de lhes causar dano, planos de dar-lher esperanca e um futuro. Jeremias 29:11
We are so glad that God's plan for your life included a trip to the USA and that you passed through our home. You are a very special young man, and God has good things in store for you. Stay close to Him. Read His word daily. It will give you the strength and encouragement you need to live a successful life. All our love to you!
Kynn, Lorie, Jamie, Christopher and Spencer
What a special blessing in your family. I can not wait to sit with you and hear what you learned from this! I miss you!
ps Love the new blog layout!
Alex is SO lucky to have spent time with you. Maybe I should come be an exchange student at your house! He seems like such a sweet boy and I know he will always be blessed by his time with the Harrises!
I shed a few tears when I read your post. Don't really know why except I am sure your family was blessed by Alex's presence and I know he was blessed by your daily walk with the Lord.
Oh! I am so glad we've gotten to hear about this fun journey ya'll have had! Safe travels home, Alex!
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