I liked this one.
The Ten CommandmentsSome people have trouble with all those 'shall's' and 'shallnot's' in the Ten Commandments.
Folks just aren't used to talking in those terms. So, in middleTennessee they translated the 'King James' into 'JacksonCounty' language.....no joke,(posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Gainesboro, TN)
(1) Just one God
(2) Put nothin' before God
(3) Watch yer mouth
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'
(5) Honor yer Ma & Pa
(6) No killin'
(7) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal
(8) Don't take what ain't yers
(9) No tellin' tales or gossipin'
(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff
Now that's plain an' simple. Y'all have a nice day.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Scuba 2 and 3
Kynn and Jamie spent Sat. and Sunday afternoons in scuba class. They both passed the written exam and the water test. They had to swim 200 yards and tread water for 10 minutes. (I hear it seemed more like 30 minutes) Each afternoon included time underwater in the Columbia College swimming pool. They will take their open water certification dive in Crystal River, Florida. All four guys are planning a dive early summer. Sounds like fun. I'm going to plan a trip somewhere too. Any suggestions? Anyone want to join me?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Adventure Begins
So this is how it has all come together............
Spring semester of '08, Christopher chose to take Scuba diving for one of his elective courses at Anderson. Kynn really enjoyed talking with Christopher during his class adventures/dives because way back when, Kynn was certified in Scuba diving. As we talked with Spencer about his fall schedule, he told us that he was taking Scuba too. We thought that was a good idea because Christopher would need someone to dive with him. We are so proud to tell you both of our guys are now certified. :)
As the holidays approached, Kynn and I were wondering just what we should give Jamie for Christmas. Kynn had the brilliant idea of Scuba lessons and I thought that was a great idea, because Christopher and Spencer would need someone to dive with them too.
Thats when it happened! Kynn told me how important it is to have an even number of divers when you go down. Well of course, I am in total agreement if it is about safety. LOL So, Jamie's surprise Christmas gift was Scuba lessons. (I love to give "surprise" gifts.) Kynn is joining in on the classes to learn all the new stuff he might need to know. Classes begin tonight. Jamie is so excited.
Last summer, the four guys went on their first annual "guys" trip. Their first adventure was to NY. Plans are underway for the second annual trip. Yes, you guessed it. A trip that will include scuba diving. I'm sure we will have more posts on the scuba adventures.
The assignment for the first class was to read the WHOLE book and answer all the questions in the back.

Jamie studing and actually talking to Kynn about the details of the class tonight. First class tonight, 6:00-9:00PM.
Spring semester of '08, Christopher chose to take Scuba diving for one of his elective courses at Anderson. Kynn really enjoyed talking with Christopher during his class adventures/dives because way back when, Kynn was certified in Scuba diving. As we talked with Spencer about his fall schedule, he told us that he was taking Scuba too. We thought that was a good idea because Christopher would need someone to dive with him. We are so proud to tell you both of our guys are now certified. :)
As the holidays approached, Kynn and I were wondering just what we should give Jamie for Christmas. Kynn had the brilliant idea of Scuba lessons and I thought that was a great idea, because Christopher and Spencer would need someone to dive with them too.
Thats when it happened! Kynn told me how important it is to have an even number of divers when you go down. Well of course, I am in total agreement if it is about safety. LOL So, Jamie's surprise Christmas gift was Scuba lessons. (I love to give "surprise" gifts.) Kynn is joining in on the classes to learn all the new stuff he might need to know. Classes begin tonight. Jamie is so excited.
Last summer, the four guys went on their first annual "guys" trip. Their first adventure was to NY. Plans are underway for the second annual trip. Yes, you guessed it. A trip that will include scuba diving. I'm sure we will have more posts on the scuba adventures.
Jamie studing and actually talking to Kynn about the details of the class tonight. First class tonight, 6:00-9:00PM.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A cold Saturday
Kynn and I have found ourselves home alone this weekend. Of course, Spencer and Christopher were not here. They are college men! Jamie had Impact Weekend with the youth group at the church. They gathered at 5:00pm on Friday and will return home after church on Sunday. It was a very cold weekend in Columbia, so Kynn and I just enjoyed being home by the fire. We hung out with Daisy dog all morning long. She LOVES a good, warm fire. It was great.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Time to say Goodbye
To begin this post, I would like to introduce you to Alex's dad and mom. Alex shared these pictures with me today. For some reason, I am not able to get them any larger.
Alex recently sent a gift package to his family. Look at what his father received. GO COCKS!
His mom received a beautiful angel. Alex said he knew she would love it. I know she did!
NOW!!! Today was moving day for Alex. His stay with our family came to a close today. He completed his first semester with our family and made the family "switch" tonight. He will remain in Columbia for the rest of the school year and will then return home to his family. He packed up all his belongings right after school today.

We have learned that a teenager is a teenager, in any country! What a mess, but he needed to go through all his belongings to get them organized. You would have been impressed with his organized packing when all was said and done. :)
Here's to Alex! We went out to eat as a last send off for our dear Alex.
Of course there had to be a present.
Yes! We all laughed. Alex LOVES ketchup. I mean, he really LOVES ketchup.
His going away present was 144 oz. of ketchup. He loved his gift.
A South Carolina FRIED meal.
Marlene taught Alex how to eat lemons.
Our final group picture. Christopher is back at school, or he would have been at this send off. He
enjoyed getting to know Alex over the Christmas holidays.

NOW!!! Today was moving day for Alex. His stay with our family came to a close today. He completed his first semester with our family and made the family "switch" tonight. He will remain in Columbia for the rest of the school year and will then return home to his family. He packed up all his belongings right after school today.
We have learned that a teenager is a teenager, in any country! What a mess, but he needed to go through all his belongings to get them organized. You would have been impressed with his organized packing when all was said and done. :)
enjoyed getting to know Alex over the Christmas holidays.
To Alex,
Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you. declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Porque sou eu que conheco os planos que tenho para voces', diz o SENHOR, planos de faze-los prosperar e nao de lhes causar dano, planos de dar-lher esperanca e um futuro. Jeremias 29:11
We are so glad that God's plan for your life included a trip to the USA and that you passed through our home. You are a very special young man, and God has good things in store for you. Stay close to Him. Read His word daily. It will give you the strength and encouragement you need to live a successful life. All our love to you!
Kynn, Lorie, Jamie, Christopher and Spencer
Monday, January 12, 2009
Who's the Boss?
Devotional thought from Dennis Rainey
"Be selfless in the little things. Sometimes I don't want to get out of my favorite chair to help Barbara carry in the groceries, sweep the kitchen or clean a toilet bowl. But it's in these minor, everyday moments that we teach our selfish selves who is boss. This is part of what the Bible means when it tells us to "learn to do good" (Isaiah 1:17)--to constantly choose death to self, to always choose sacrificial love until it becomes our first response. "
Have you ever considered that we must teach our selfish selves who is boss? We must learn to do good. We must tell ourselves that we will not be selfish and we will chose to do good for our spouse. Ladies, chose today to pick up his clothes (one more time perhaps) or help him with some sort of manly duty around the house. Men, get out of your chair and do the dishes, and yes, clean that toilet. This is sacrificial love. By doing these acts of service, with a happy heart, we are dying to self and declaring who is Boss. Chose today to die to self. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men. Col. 3:23
"Be selfless in the little things. Sometimes I don't want to get out of my favorite chair to help Barbara carry in the groceries, sweep the kitchen or clean a toilet bowl. But it's in these minor, everyday moments that we teach our selfish selves who is boss. This is part of what the Bible means when it tells us to "learn to do good" (Isaiah 1:17)--to constantly choose death to self, to always choose sacrificial love until it becomes our first response. "
Have you ever considered that we must teach our selfish selves who is boss? We must learn to do good. We must tell ourselves that we will not be selfish and we will chose to do good for our spouse. Ladies, chose today to pick up his clothes (one more time perhaps) or help him with some sort of manly duty around the house. Men, get out of your chair and do the dishes, and yes, clean that toilet. This is sacrificial love. By doing these acts of service, with a happy heart, we are dying to self and declaring who is Boss. Chose today to die to self. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men. Col. 3:23
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Weekend Happenings
The weekend has come and gone. Friday night, Jamie, Kynn and I went to California Dreaming for dinner. Alex went to a wrestling tournament at Dreher. On Sat. Kynn and I went on a double date with our neighbors, Tom and Ginger Hamblin. It has been a long time since we have spent time with them so we had a great time catching up. Jamie went to the USC basketball game with Spencer and Alex went ice skating. He said it was hard! This morning we all went to church. It was a good day in the house of the Lord. We have just a few more days and nights wiith Alex. He will leave on Tuesday evening and stay with another family for the rest of the school year. We have learned so much from Alex and he has been a blessing to our family. (More thoughts on our semester with Alex to follow) Have a great week. Share the love of Jesus. It will bless the other person and bless you as well.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My sister, Cynthia, with her daughter, the birthday girl. Have a GREAT day sweet Patty. We love you.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My sister, Beckie Potterfield with her 18 year old son, Jack.
My sister, Beckie Potterfield with her 18 year old son, Jack.
I hope you all have a great day.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A message to Alex's family
Mamae nao se preocupe eu estou comendo bem e nao estou magrinho, eu estou bem, a foto abaixo eh um exemplo de quanto eu como aqui, eh um file de peixe, milho, salgadinho, e um pao com manteiga, o vermelho eh ketchup mas eu mesmo assim sinto saudade da sua comida sem sal e sem gosto.Para todas as pessoas eu sinto saudades de voces e espero ver voces quando eu voltar.Feliz ano novo!

Friday, January 2, 2009
It's still my birthday
My Guys asked me before my birthday what I wanted them to give me this year. I asked that they have their picture taken for me. They were happy to give me my wish. Today was picture day. Here are a few samples of the pictures. We have A LOT of pictures. We got the package deal. :)

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