Friday, February 27, 2009
A New Team Sport
Jamie has recently joined the AC Flora Bowling Team. What an awesome sport. There is no conditioning, no practice, ....just show up each week for a bowling match. I am very impressed with some of the team bowlers. This can get quit serious and these people know how to get the ball down the alley and get a strike. Each match consists of three games. There are a few practice lanes, so even if you are not bowling in the game, you get to "practice." Jamie's comment: "It's a blast."
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Please Pray for Matt (and Julie)
Update from Matt and Julie
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. As far as my health goes, "cancer" is never a word you want to hear. However, this particular type of cancer (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, CML for short) is Extremely treatable. I was diagnosed about four weeks ago and was in the hospital for four days. Then I was home recovering for another week, and I've been back at work ever since. I'm working full-time and am feeling better than I have in months! Ever since I got out of the hospital, every day has just gotten a little better. I am taking a pill a day (called Gleevec). The drug came out about seven years ago, and it really is like a "miracle pill" for CML patients. It essentially puts the cancer into Full Remission for about 95% of people who have this type of CML...and there are very few side effects! It's Amazing! So we are trying to stay positive and optimistic about everything. We certainly have felt your prayers, and we know that we are not standing on our own strength here. God is carrying us through this. It really is a Privilege to Serve Him this way!
It's amazing how far we've come in almost a month! My white blood cell count was 425, 000 in the hospital. (A normal white blood count is 4,000 - 10,000.) Within two weeks, the doctor said it was 100,000!! At my appointment last week, the doctor said it was 6,400, within NORMAL RANGE!!!! Yesterday it was 4,000! :) The doctor was suprised that it went down that quickly, but we know that God is doing this!
This week I had a routine eye appointment, and they found quite a few retinal hemorrhages on the backs of my eyes. They diagnosed me with Leukemia Retinopathy (blood clots on the retina), and I was referred to a specialist who said that we would need to wait three weeks to see if this is a result of the CML or of the Gleevec. The oncologist thinks it is from the CML, but they need to make sure. If you would pray for healing in my eyes as well, we know that God can take care of this :)
I am still restricted to no contact sports - just walking, jogging, running, etc. It's been really hard to hold me back :). The doctor originally said no sports for three months, but I have a feeling I'll be out there playing sooner than that. :)
We are so thankful that I'm doing well, and we continue to pray for complete healing. God has been holding us tightly, and we are so blessed by wonderful friends and families. THANK YOU!!!
We appreciate your prayers so much! We hope everyone is doing well! Thank you for your prayers, cards, love, and support!!!
Matt and Julie
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. As far as my health goes, "cancer" is never a word you want to hear. However, this particular type of cancer (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, CML for short) is Extremely treatable. I was diagnosed about four weeks ago and was in the hospital for four days. Then I was home recovering for another week, and I've been back at work ever since. I'm working full-time and am feeling better than I have in months! Ever since I got out of the hospital, every day has just gotten a little better. I am taking a pill a day (called Gleevec). The drug came out about seven years ago, and it really is like a "miracle pill" for CML patients. It essentially puts the cancer into Full Remission for about 95% of people who have this type of CML...and there are very few side effects! It's Amazing! So we are trying to stay positive and optimistic about everything. We certainly have felt your prayers, and we know that we are not standing on our own strength here. God is carrying us through this. It really is a Privilege to Serve Him this way!
It's amazing how far we've come in almost a month! My white blood cell count was 425, 000 in the hospital. (A normal white blood count is 4,000 - 10,000.) Within two weeks, the doctor said it was 100,000!! At my appointment last week, the doctor said it was 6,400, within NORMAL RANGE!!!! Yesterday it was 4,000! :) The doctor was suprised that it went down that quickly, but we know that God is doing this!
This week I had a routine eye appointment, and they found quite a few retinal hemorrhages on the backs of my eyes. They diagnosed me with Leukemia Retinopathy (blood clots on the retina), and I was referred to a specialist who said that we would need to wait three weeks to see if this is a result of the CML or of the Gleevec. The oncologist thinks it is from the CML, but they need to make sure. If you would pray for healing in my eyes as well, we know that God can take care of this :)
I am still restricted to no contact sports - just walking, jogging, running, etc. It's been really hard to hold me back :). The doctor originally said no sports for three months, but I have a feeling I'll be out there playing sooner than that. :)
We are so thankful that I'm doing well, and we continue to pray for complete healing. God has been holding us tightly, and we are so blessed by wonderful friends and families. THANK YOU!!!
We appreciate your prayers so much! We hope everyone is doing well! Thank you for your prayers, cards, love, and support!!!
Matt and Julie
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Keep Dancing
We have just gotten home from the wedding of Merrick and Jennifer Estes. It was a small, lovely wedding. They were married in the chapel on the campus of USC. The reception was held at the Rockbridge Country Club.
Once all the dancing started, there was a dance for all married couples. During this dance, the couple married the longest would be the last one dancing. They started with couples who had been married less than 3 hours. Of course, it was the bride and groom who left the dance floor. Kynn and I had to leave when they announced 25 years or less. We are 22, almost 23. The grand winning dancers were Merrick's grandparents. They were so precious and have been married 71 years. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I think the key to their long marriage is that they still dance with each other. I wish I had taken my camera to take their picture. Now that is what I call commitment. What an example for all of us married folks.
Once all the dancing started, there was a dance for all married couples. During this dance, the couple married the longest would be the last one dancing. They started with couples who had been married less than 3 hours. Of course, it was the bride and groom who left the dance floor. Kynn and I had to leave when they announced 25 years or less. We are 22, almost 23. The grand winning dancers were Merrick's grandparents. They were so precious and have been married 71 years. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I think the key to their long marriage is that they still dance with each other. I wish I had taken my camera to take their picture. Now that is what I call commitment. What an example for all of us married folks.
Another Weekend is Upon Us
We have started our Sat. morning with a fire in our fire place. It really reminds us of being at Kynn's parents house . They always had a fire during the winter months.
Last night we went to the Valentine's banquet at our church. The college ministry hosts this event each year. They schedule it for the weekend after Valentine's so they can get all the decorations and prizes when they are on sale. Pretty clever I think.
Tonight we will attend the wedding of Merit Estes. (Across the street neighbor)
Tomorrow is the Lord's Day, so we will be in his house to worship. We hope you have a great weekend.
Last night we went to the Valentine's banquet at our church. The college ministry hosts this event each year. They schedule it for the weekend after Valentine's so they can get all the decorations and prizes when they are on sale. Pretty clever I think.
Tonight we will attend the wedding of Merit Estes. (Across the street neighbor)
Tomorrow is the Lord's Day, so we will be in his house to worship. We hope you have a great weekend.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to Grandmomma
Today we are remembering Grandmomma's birthday. (Kynn's mom) This is her first birthday in the presence of her Lord, Jesus Christ. I wonder just how birthdays are celebrated in heaven.
Mrs. Harris had many names. She was known as Sarah to her family and friends, Sweetheart to her husband, momma to her sons, and most affectionately Grandmomma to her grandsons. Ahh yes, life stopped at the Harris household when Grandmomma was around. She was the type that got in the floor and played ball or cars, walked barefooted outside and took little boys to Wal-Mart ANYTIME they wanted to go. McDonalds made a fortune off her. Pizza Hut did well too.
What awesome memories we have of this precious lady. Heaven has a treasure. We miss you!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is a very special day for us. Kynn and I had our very first date 23 years ago on Valentine's Day. We met in the singles department at Shandon Baptist Church and our first date was to a Sunday School Valentine's Banquet.
Kynn gave me a great Valentine's week. My love language is gift giving and he gave me a gift every day last week. He knows how to make me smile. My love bank is overflowing. :)
Sat. morning we just hung out at the house. Marlene and Bobby's granddaughter (Taylor) and a friend (Amelia) came to spend the weekend with them. Jamie and Taylor have been friends as long as we can remember. He headed out to Marlene's to hang out with them. Kynn and I joined them late afternoon for burgers and fun. After supper, Kynn and I sent them to the store and while they were gone we set up a scavenger hunt for them. Valentine's scavenger hunts are a Harris family tradition. Our boys have loved figuring out the clues and finding prizes throughout the years. Taylor and Amelia thought it was pretty fun too. After the hunt, we played cards and ended the night with dancing. That was quite funny. Marlene can really shake a leg. Oh yeah, Kynn gave me some lovely earrings. I gave him a coffee bean grinder. I think I got the better end of the gift giving deal this year. I hope you had a great Valentine's Day too. ( Pictures on the previous post.)
Kynn gave me a great Valentine's week. My love language is gift giving and he gave me a gift every day last week. He knows how to make me smile. My love bank is overflowing. :)
Sat. morning we just hung out at the house. Marlene and Bobby's granddaughter (Taylor) and a friend (Amelia) came to spend the weekend with them. Jamie and Taylor have been friends as long as we can remember. He headed out to Marlene's to hang out with them. Kynn and I joined them late afternoon for burgers and fun. After supper, Kynn and I sent them to the store and while they were gone we set up a scavenger hunt for them. Valentine's scavenger hunts are a Harris family tradition. Our boys have loved figuring out the clues and finding prizes throughout the years. Taylor and Amelia thought it was pretty fun too. After the hunt, we played cards and ended the night with dancing. That was quite funny. Marlene can really shake a leg. Oh yeah, Kynn gave me some lovely earrings. I gave him a coffee bean grinder. I think I got the better end of the gift giving deal this year. I hope you had a great Valentine's Day too. ( Pictures on the previous post.)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Thankful for my mother
Today while at work, I transported a student to the dental clinic. This is how our conversation went on our ride.
Child: Are they going to give me a shot today?
Me: I don't know. I not sure what work you need done.
Child: Well, if they do, I am NOT going to let them.
Me: Didn't you get a shot last time?
Child: Yes.
Me: Well, I want you to ponder on this while we ride. Last time you got a shot and you did well. If you have to get one today, it will hurt, but you will be able to handle it. You did before, you can do it again. You have an inner strength that will help you get through it. Do you believe in God?
Child: Don't talk to me about God. My momma told me not to talk to anyone about God.
Me: So I guess you don't go to church.
Child: NO.
Well, THAT conversation ended. I knew I needed to respect this child and leave this one alone. He had a comic book and began looking at it. I turned the radio up a little bit, (WMHK) and began another conversation silently with the Lord. I talked to the Lord about his precious soul and the soul of his mother.
This whole situation is so foreign to me because my mother loves the Lord and took me to church all my life. I am so thankful that my mom has taught and encouraged me to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She is such a prayer warrior and I appreciate the fact that she takes my whole family before the throne of God each and every day.
Momma, I am so thankful for you and the example you have given me.
Child: Are they going to give me a shot today?
Me: I don't know. I not sure what work you need done.
Child: Well, if they do, I am NOT going to let them.
Me: Didn't you get a shot last time?
Child: Yes.
Me: Well, I want you to ponder on this while we ride. Last time you got a shot and you did well. If you have to get one today, it will hurt, but you will be able to handle it. You did before, you can do it again. You have an inner strength that will help you get through it. Do you believe in God?
Child: Don't talk to me about God. My momma told me not to talk to anyone about God.
Me: So I guess you don't go to church.
Child: NO.
Well, THAT conversation ended. I knew I needed to respect this child and leave this one alone. He had a comic book and began looking at it. I turned the radio up a little bit, (WMHK) and began another conversation silently with the Lord. I talked to the Lord about his precious soul and the soul of his mother.
This whole situation is so foreign to me because my mother loves the Lord and took me to church all my life. I am so thankful that my mom has taught and encouraged me to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She is such a prayer warrior and I appreciate the fact that she takes my whole family before the throne of God each and every day.
Momma, I am so thankful for you and the example you have given me.
Her children rise up and call her blessed. Proverbs 31:28
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Love Sick
Do you remember when you fell in love. You know, when your heart was beating fast, stomach churning like a whole colony of butterflies had moved in. You know you are in love when
"I climbed up the door
And shut the stairs;
I said my shoes and took off my prayers.
I shut off the bed and climbed into the light.
And all because--
She kissed me good night!"
"I climbed up the door
And shut the stairs;
I said my shoes and took off my prayers.
I shut off the bed and climbed into the light.
And all because--
She kissed me good night!"
Now that is love sickness. I hope you feel that way about your spouse this week. Have fun.
Remember, it's Valentine's Week.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Hard on the Eyes
I don't know about you, but these busy backgrounds can be hard on the eyes!!! Oh well!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Jeb and Beckie Potterfield
Jeb, We hope you have a wonderful day. My boys think you are the funniest person they know. Thanks for bringing laughter into our lives. We love you.
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